28 November 2010

Bhopal Gas Tragedy

Bhopal gas incident, on december 2 1984 was the biggest mistakes ever happen in history of landfill management. The tragedy caused a lot of death victims and major injuries after to the residents nearby.

To check out about this incidents you guys can check out the video here ---> Bhopal Incident Documentary
You can also read the details in here Bhopal incidents details.

Ok, have a nice read. 

20 October 2010

2.0 Landfill

Hey you guys out there. Do you guys know what is landfill?
Some of you guys may get used with landfill and some of you also never knew what is landfill.

Basically, landfill is the place where all the waste collected from your houses goes to.
All the wastes will be treated and dump in landfill.
For a better words, landfill is the last place for the wastes to be sent to.
The process may look so simple for those who don't know. The wastes collected and then dump into the landfill area. The actual process is not like that.

I would like to go into detail, but let's just go into the overview on landfill.
What happen in the landfill?

All the wastes will be dumped into the site after being separated to through recycle process.
The wastes will be covered with soil until the layer reach the maximum level allowed.
The cell then will be covered.

This is the general figure on landfill cross section.
The wastes inside the cell will be covered with layer and vegetation.

So, for this entry it's just the overview on landfill process.
For next entry, there will be continuation on landfill operation.

13 October 2010

1.1: The Beauty of Recycling

Ever try to make recycling become much more interesting?
Well if you're creative enough inside your mind, i guess you can try out all this crazily creative idea.

Guess how much more creative you guys can be?
Well i guess you must be creative enough to create this. (^_*)

Cool isn't it? Just from recycling parts!!

I guess this will work with girls.

Isn't this attractive??

Well now i guess some of you guys know what will you do with your old things.
Even if you can't sold your creation you still can make it as your decoration.
So challenge your creativity out!!
Until next time, see ya!

06 October 2010

1.0: Recycling

Recycle, the easiest step in reducing the number of wastes send into the landfill. 
The fact is, when it comes to recycling, people will hardly be involved with the works.
When talking about recycle in Malaysia, we just recycle only 0.006-3.74% from total recyclable Solid Waste.

What does the recycle effect to our Landfill system?
When we do the recycle process, total amount of waste send to the landfill can greatly been reduced because half of the total amount of solid waste can be recycled.
Isn't it great if we involve with recycling cause there is so much wastes send to landfill everyday. In fact, we didn't want the landfill to be filled faster then the predicted lifespan. even if we can extend the lifespan to be 1 year more it would greatly effect the system.

So, you guys out there please start doing recycle!
If we don't want to continuously losing our earth to the landfill site, please do recycle.

Next entry, there will be some tips on recycling process.
Until next time, keep reaching this site.

03 October 2010

Introduction: Best and Worst part

ever see this beautiful scene? this panorama is priceless!

amazed with this very peaceful and awesome scene?
watch out, you may not know!

careful guys! there are views that you guys never seen before.
have a sneak peek!

the super beauty and peaceful view before could become like this picture you've been looking.
or even like this!

all this while you all maybe not realize about this true fact.
and now, this new blog will expose the knowledge about environment.
so, if you are in love with the environment make sure you follow this blog.
another entry will come later.

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